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BAP supports Trump for the exact same reason that Bill Ackman, Nikki Haley, and Miriam Adelson do.
Forwarded from JON MILLER
it’s become acceptable on the mainstream right to disparage every minority except for jews. right wing twitter is full of jabs at blacks, hispanics, gays, women, muslims, yet any allusion to jews and you’re in hot water. at the risk of sounding biased bc of having skin in the game (no pun intended), you have to ask yourself if you’re really over the target if the one group you avoid is the one that would get you in a lot of trouble.
Whites too ^
Forwarded from JON MILLER
This is Keeperman's writing. This guy was an English professor?

The argument that Jews are entitled to permanently rule over the gentiles might be more convincing if every single one of them didn't write like a fucking retard.
They're literally skinsuiting the groypers. For 5 years they have been trying to create an alternative to groypers that isn't "antisemitic." That's what this is all about.

Jack Posobiec and the Blaze promote the BAP-orbiter and Jew Jonathan Keeperman, who publishes the Jew Steve Sailer with his tepid pro-Jewish version of White Nationalism. Now Posobiec and Blaze are dusting off "White Boy Summer" from our sphere 3 years ago.
At the same time, DailyWire Jew Andrew Klavan interviews Jew Curtis Yarvin with his illiberal monarchist philosophy. This is a year after Klavan's gay Jew son Spencer, the editor of Claremont who published Straussian Michael Anton's review of Jew Costin Alamariu's book, said explicitly that conservatives need to create a liberal-critical alternative to Nick Fuentes without antisemitism.
Anyway, I post this stuff on telegram for people who are interested. All of this is to say that criticism of Jews and Israel is so important that they go to extraordinary lengths to disrupt, censor, and disable it. Subversion, gaslighting, infiltration, they have tried it all.

To explain these convoluted methods would be too tedious for a general audience, so it suffices to simply say "YOU ARE JEWISH."
America First is LIVE! Tonight we are talking about the MASSIVE ESCALATION in the Ukraine War and IMMINENT WAR BETWEEN FRANCE AND RUSSIA— ALSO discussing the IMMINENT LEBANON ISRAEL WAR THAT IS IMMINENT AND ESCALATING J Fuentes/com.nickjfuentes
Okay Rumble stream just went down for some reason let's just try again tomorrow idk what is going on with the tech today
Not doing a show tonight. Back tomorrow
The Trump-Hannity interview last night was terrible and boring. Another perfect example that there is no “there” there anymore. It is so beyond forced the way people are trying to meme Trump in 2024.

I will never be an anti-Trump guy but I am totally apathetic about the outcome in 2024. I just don’t care. Should Trump win? Sure, I guess. Whatever. I can’t fake excitement or enthusiasm for a movement that is out of ideas and will be inherited by an administration full of cucks.

People should be honest about what we’re getting. No we are not getting mass deportations, we are not getting a wall, we are not getting a unified reich in space. We are going to get something comparable to or slightly worse than Trump 2017-2021.
It is truly disappointing when you consider what we are NOT getting.

Yes, the argument can be made that it’s a no brainer for Trump to take the Israel money and toe the party line. As people have pointed out, he did it before.

But the Gaza War could have been an opportunity for Trump to completely change the conversation and outflank Biden by supporting Palestine, or at the minimum calling for the United States to restrain Israel.

It doesn’t take much imagination to see the possibilities for innovation on this issue due to the crisis. That would be worth supporting and getting excited about. Instead we get more compromises, more shit sandwich. Isn’t anyone tired of this?
In 2016 there was a palpable sense of terror about what Trump might be capable of if elected. He was legitimately dangerous— ruthless, competent, unflappable, unrestrained. As 2015 and 2016 progressed it began to feel like he was a truly unstoppable force...

That feeling has been totally gone basically since election night in 2016.
I feel like nobody today even really remembers what that felt like or if they did they forgot, or maybe they never understood what they were feeling. He alpha'd the entire country. I will always love him for that, but he has become basically a mascot. The magic is gone.
Trump on Dr. Phil says we desperately need legal immigration, that the Biden administration is being run by fascists, and that he is the best president for black people since Abraham Lincoln. THIS SUCKS.
2024/06/21 03:38:07
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